Anger Management


It is a universal fact that you cannot eliminate anger emotions from your life, as every emotion is very important in your life and plays a very important role in individual life in different ways. Anger sometimes can be a way of showing people that they are upset because they care or they love you. Similarly anger can lead to a fight and can destroy everything in future if it touches rage.

Example of Anger Management

I am sharing a small example regarding anger. Our parents love us, they get us everything that we ask for but in return they always ask for good studies and good behaviour and when we don’t follow what they want they might also get angry at us. But this is not at all a negative emotion, this is actually a very positive emotion in this situation because they are angry for our betterment in future. They will only get angry for a few seconds but in the second minute they control their anger and console us, pamper us and love us and make us understand calmly. What would happen if they couldn’t control their anger? Yes the answer is it will destroy the life of everyone in the family.

Effects of Anger

Anger can cause high blood pressure. It can create a space for revenge and rage in our lives if we don’t control it on time. Stress and depression are the main causes of anger and it can also lead you to smoke cigarettes, consume large quantities of alcohol, and also you might end up eating a lot and you might face the issue of being overweight and which might also lead you back to depression. So this cycle keeps on rotating from stress to depression to getting angry.

Best way to control your anger is to get professional help. Anger is not a disease, so you don’t have to worry about getting professional help. It will only help you to control your anger. It’s always better to take anger management classes. Anger management can cause issues and problems in your personal life and professional life and even in school for kids.

Unfortunately even kids are getting anger issues with the change in lifestyle, in change in behaviour. Every kid is running for admission in a good school, taking extra classes plus hobby classes which is leading every kid into stress and depression. The reason kids get into depression is because their parents force them to be in competition. Irony is that depression leads them to getting angry in every situation.They stop listening to their parents and even their school teacher, and then end up taking anger management classes. I would say it again that it’s not bad to seek professional help, it will help you to overcome the situation you are in.

Anger is typically caused by failures in school or life, misunderstood by others every time, people take you for granted on every point, pressure etc. so you start reacting and this reaction can lead you to lose control of yourself and you might end up saying anything in anger to others. Anger is in control when it is not creating issues to others, but the time it starts creating problems to others and starts hurting them this is a problem for you and your loved ones or people around you in office or school.

Tulikadevi Puppala



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