Sense Of Wholeness

Sense of wholeness


The word health comes from the root word “whole” which means feeling “healthy” which means to be complete. A sense of holding within ourselves.

To attain a sense of wholeness, our body and physical energies should be vibrant and exuberant. Emotional dimension and physical exertion are also the two most important things which aid in the sense of wholeness. A sense of wholeness is felt when mental health is quintessential. Engaging in activities like dancing, singing, painting, etc stables our mental health and gives great relaxation. 

We cannot lose a connection with all that supports

and manages our life, be it- enjoying the peaceful sunsets or watching cartoon shows, or talking to a four-year-old kid. It is also true that both psychological and physical health can be managed if we are in touch with the elements of nature. Glory and misery, pain and pleasure, anxiety, and ecstasy, all happen within us. It is our prime responsibility to maintain our mental health stable and balanced. Physical wounds can be cured within a period of time, but if mental health is affected it takes a lot more time to get cured than it takes for the physical wounds to get cured. If you’re mentally strong, physical inabilities don’t matter. Most of us tend to ignore our mental health but it is our only mental health that drives us through our life. If something makes us mentally ill, it should get healed in real quick, because a big part of healing is making the emotional space to feel and process the grief that arises. We often control and restrict our thoughts and emotions to express ourselves in the best possible way, which makes our mental health inconsistent, and we may not be able to provide the output that is accepted and encouraged by everyone. Loving and accepting ourselves also enhances our mental health and gives us a sense of wholeness. Understanding yesterday’s version of ourselves and trying to be the better version today significantly contributes to our mental health. We shouldn’t let any little element affect our mental repose. It is supposed to be our priority over anything. Always carrying positive and cheerful vibes makes us comfortable with everything that comes our way, and we tend to do things with ease. Maintaining ourselves in our own state of tranquility nurtures our mental health and broadens our thought processes. Our mental health should be our buddy.

                                                                                                                      -Deepthi Raj


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