
Manufacturing Industry

  MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials or parts into finished goods using tools, human labour, machinery, and chemical processing.   Manufacturing enables businesses to sell finished goods at a price higher than the cost of the raw materials used. Large-scale manufacturing allows for the mass production of goods using assembly line processes and advanced technologies as core assets. Manufacturing techniques that are efficient allow manufacturers to take advantage of economies of scale, producing more units at a lower cost.   Understanding Manufacturing Manufacturing is a vital and significant part of the economy. It entails the transformation of raw materials such as ore, wood, and food into finished goods such as metal goods, furniture, and processed foods. Adding value by converting these raw materials into something more useful. Because this added value raises the price of finished goods, manufacturing is a very profitable part

Bull Market

  ABOUT BULL MARKET A bull market is a financial market condition in which prices are rising or are expected to rise. The term "bull market" is most associated with the stock market, but it can be applied to any traded asset, including bonds, real estate, currencies, and commodities.   Understanding Bull Markets   Bull markets are characterized by optimism, investor confidence, and expectations that strong results will last for a long time. It is difficult to predict when market trends will change on a consistent basis. Part of the problem is that psychological effects and speculation can sometimes play a significant role in market behavior. There is no single, universal metric for identifying a bull market. Nonetheless, the most common definition of a bull market is a rise in stock prices of 20% or more from recent lows.    Because bull markets are difficult to predict, analysts usually only notice this phenomenon after it has occurred. The period between 2003


  ABOUT RECESSION In economics, a downward trend in the business cycle characterized by a decrease in production and employment, which causes a decrease in household income and spending. Even if not all households and businesses experience actual income declines, their future expectations become less certain during a recession, causing them to postpone large purchases or investments.   In recessions, the decline in output can be traced to a decrease in consumer purchases of durable household goods and business purchases of machinery and equipment, as well as a decrease in additions of goods to stocks or inventories. The greatest impact is likely to be on inventory; businesses will stop adding to their inventories and will be more willing to draw on them to fill production orders.   Inventory reductions have a double effect on production volume. A number of factors influence whether a recession turns into a severe and prolonged depression. The extent and quality of credit exte

10 Top Investment Options in India in 2022

                                  10 Top Investment Options in India in 2022 1. Fixed Deposits (FD) and Recurring Deposits (RD) Many investors, especially those who want assured returns with no risk, continue to favor fixed deposits (FD) and recurring deposits (RD). Leading banks, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), as well as the post office, make it simple to open FD and RD accounts. 2. Mutual Funds Mutual fund investments are exposed to market risk; thus, one should consider the risk before making an investment. Mutual funds might develop into your ideal investment possibilities if we comprehend the market and its risks and how to use them to multiply our money. We can design a portfolio of assets based on our preferences, whether we choose to invest in the long run or the short term.  Monthly systematic investment plans or systematic withdrawal plans can be good investing choices if we desire a stable income from mutual funds but have a reduced risk tolerance. If we wanting to

Anger Management

  It is a universal fact that you cannot eliminate anger emotions from your life, as every emotion is very important in your life and plays a very important role in individual life in different ways. Anger sometimes can be a way of showing people that they are upset because they care or they love you. Similarly anger can lead to a fight and can destroy everything in future if it touches rage. Example of Anger Management I am sharing a small example regarding anger. Our parents love us, they get us everything that we ask for but in return they always ask for good studies and good behaviour and when we don’t follow what they want they might also get angry at us. But this is not at all a negative emotion, this is actually a very positive emotion in this situation because they are angry for our betterment in future. They will only get angry for a few seconds but in the second minute they control their anger and console us, pamper us and love us and make us understand calmly. What would hap


                                                                   FROM THEN TO NOW   Once upon a time as a child, I used to look at stars wishing that I could reach them. I used to look at the birds flying in the sky wishing that even I could fly like them. I used to look at the rainbow wishing that I could take a slide on it and whether it is a rainy day or a Sunday, no matter what I always loved to play with my friends running far away from the house. And I always used to love playing in the rain even though my mother denies it, sometimes she understands what she has missed in her childhood and allows me to play in the rain. I used to be a   child who used to always be playful, and active in participating in various activities. But as I grew up, things changed and more than the stars, I could only see the darkness, the things which were happening around me made me more frightened, though I want to fly like those birds, I used to shed my wings with the fear of being hunted in t


  Any harm that is purposefully inflicted on a child by a caregiver or during discipline constitutes child abuse. While the caregiver is typically an adult, most frequently the child's mother, it is possible for teenagers to also play the role of caregiver, such as a babysitter or a camp counsellor. It's critical to realise that child abuse must result in harm to the child, whether it be physical, emotional, or not immediately visible. Mainly in India when a child goes through a abuse be it mentally or physically, they are scared to tell their parents in the first place. That might be because of many reasons, one among them is firstly the child does not know what is happening with him/her. Secondly even if they tell their parents, many of the parents are not ready to take the action. And also due to lack of proper knowledge in these kind of things, kids get confused and this affects them mentally. Due to which they have to go through a trauma. Abuse affects children from all